“We Kindle This Light” Guarding Sacred Embers (Canadian Unitarian Universalist Historical Society, 2011) P. 292
“Beyond Our Borders” Guarding Sacred Embers (Canadian Unitarian Universalist Historical Society, 2011) pp 305ff
“Partnership as Spiritual Practice” Everyday Spiritual Practice (Skinner House Books, 1999) pp159ff
“CUC Brief to the Canadian Senate” Proceedings of the Senate Special Committee on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide” Vancouver, B.C. September 26, 1994
Rev. Brian Kiely’s Blog a collection of columns and sermons from the Unitarian Church.
Public Speaking, Lectures
“Taking the Fear Out of Death”
Edmonton Community Foundation, “Wills Week”
October, 2016
A speech addressing concerns of lawyers and estate planners.
“Debate on Medical Assistance in Dying” Law Faculty, University of Alberta Law School Public Issues Forum, February, 2016
“The Ethics of Medical Assistance in Dying” Beyond Speaker Series, Southminister-Steinhauer United Church, February 2016.
“25 Year Address” Unitarian Universalist Minister’s Association Meetings, June 2013. “A reflection on the Changing Ministry” (Starts at Minute 15, ends at minute 35)
“The Heart Of Unitarianism” Theme Speech to the General Assembly of the Unitarians and Universalist of Northeast India, Shillong, India, April 2014
“The Center and the Circle: The Challenge of International Ministry” The John Relly Beard Lecture, April, 2010, Nottingham, UK, The General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches
“Can Eco-SpiritUality Grow Eco-JUUstice?” Canadian Unitarian Council Confluence Lecture (with Rev. Meg Roberts), May, 2008, Hamilton
“Declaration on Housing and Homelessness” Edmonton City Hall, November 2017. Master of Ceremonies
“CUC Brief to the Canadian Senate” Proceedings of the Senate Special Committee on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide” Vancouver, B.C. September 26, 1994