Brian Kiely’s professional career has been about building community, locally, nationally and internationally. With a collaborative leadership style and excellent communication skills, he has inspired loyalty in a mix of settings.

- Recognized, successful ministerial career
- Inspiring natural leader in transitional times
- Excellent speaker, lecturer and writer
- Bridge builder, negotiator and mediator
- Experienced in development and fundraising
- Ability to clearly see a range of probable outcomes in rapidly changing situations, a critical thinker.

- Engaged in the wider community as a volunteer and citizen.
- Supportive staff manager
- Unflappable, adaptable and open to change
- Friendly and accessible, a good listener

- Pretty good cook
- Odd sense of humour
- Proud Dad
- Comes with own Santa suit
I like to be engaged and active. I dislike being bored. From time to time I need new challenges to keep me happy. I loved my career as a minister, and kept it fresh through engagement with the community outside the church. I found new interests, new excitement, new ways to share my passions. Symbiotically this kept me fresh in my church work.

On the personal side, I am married to Erica Slevin. Together we have four children in a blended family, one adult severely autistic son living in a group home and three teenaged girls. Then there is the dog and three cats. It’s a busy, fun family life.